Sunday, July 18, 2010

A lull while I try to get my bearings

Well, I'm in a sublet, which is a step up from living directly on the creek in a tent, but not really "housing," exactly. Still, I have my computer up, and I have a bed/room. However, I doubt it will last much longer, and I have to steel myself to the reality of maybe not getting a place. What a hassle.

Meanwhile, I got a job but the job itself ended, at least for me. With 1 job available for every six people, I guess I'm glad I had any work at all, and I got laid off, not fired, so, even though I didn't make enough for unemployment insurance, I did make a few bucks and I'm about half-way, on paper, to that universe. I'd rather be working, and I'm going back to cartoon sales, which I've let slide a bit in the last month or so, while I adjust to the environment again.

I've been doing sketches in notepads for my cartoons, but haven't really had easy access to an inexpensive scanner as of yet. My latest characters are lawyer/vultures.

I'm hoping to be back to tooning and sales in a week or so, with stories about my door to door and other art related tales. In this new sequence of events, I'm hoping to move from beraggled street salesman of quirky cartoons to internationally famous raconteur and artist/cartoonist/musician.

Wish me the best, and feel free to right down ideas in the comments section of my cartoons.

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